About Us

Our Mission
Huntingdon County Business and Industry's (HCBI) mission is to promote economic development throughout Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. We have a passion for progress and transforming our community into the best environment to start, grow, and expand your business.

Meet The Team
We thank those that have invested in our mission...

Andy Cipar, Jack M. Shuck Agency
Dennie Cramer, Cramer Family Farms & D.C. Self Storage
David Gardner, Huntingdon County Board of Realtors
David Wessels, W.E. Gather & Wildside Productions
Brandon Brown, Sandy Ridge Market
Barbara Covert, Employment & Training, Inc.
Brad Esposito, East Broad Top Railroad
Tracey Cook, Mutual Benefit Group
Gwendolyn Borger, Bonney Forge Co. & Top's Diner
Scott Ulrich, Mutual Benefit Group
Dr. James Troha, Juniata College
Joseph Myers, Penn Highlands Huntingdon
Virginia Cooper, Retired Recorder & Register
John Cook, The Daily News & Huntingdon Country Club
Thomas Yoder, Borough of Huntingdon Mayor
Larry Burger, Retired Kish Bank Corporation
County Commissioners
President: Cory Sisto Vice President: Jinny Cooper Treasurer: Courtney Lang Secretary: Clay McMath
Board of Directors
Scott Walls Jeffrey Thomas Patrick Reeder
Riverview Business Center
Lots Available!!!
Contact us at 814-506-8287 for more details